Stray Dog Year in Review

Stray Dog Year in Review

Posted by Della Wheeler on

🎉 Happy New Year! 🥂

What a ride it's been, and we couldn't have done it without you! Join us as we take a trip down memory lane and celebrate a fantastic year at Stray Dog.

Scroll below for our Year in Review—it's a glimpse into all the fun, creativity, and magic that made our year shine!

Thanks for being a part of our pack. Here's to another year of Stray Dog adventures together!


Jane & Billy
Founders of Stray Dog Designs

Best In Show

These pups stood above the rest. Check out our top ordered pieces: 

Bird Finial 

Jen Sconce

Dogwood Ceiling Light 

Harper Sconce

Millie Sconce

Willow Chandelier

Henry Chandelier  

Coco Lantern

Chucho Chandelier

Shop Best in Show

Bark About It

We're trying to keep up with social media trends... These posts gave you something to bark about: 

Featuring the Strawberry Lamp 


Featuring the Alfredo Light 

Perky Plays

We're crazy for music. Here's our top played songs in 2023 (not gonna lie... we're listening to the same stuff we were listening to in 2022): 

Good Kisser by Lake Street Dive

The Bottom of It by Fruit Bats 

Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips


Givin' Back

Each year, we choose a special cause to support. Learn more about how we gave back this year: 

This Year, we are proud to give 1% of our sales to Casita Linda (Pretty Little Home in English).

Casita Linda says, "By providing a dignified and safe environment, we empower families and change lives."
We lend a helping paw to organizations like these because we believe every person (and dog) deserves a safe and cozy place to call home.

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