Happiest of birthdays to La Virgin de Guadalupe, the instantly recognizable patron saint of Mexico. Almost 500 years ago, December 12th, 1531, the dark skinned Virgin Mary appeared to an indigenous man named Juan Diego and spoke to him in his native Nahuatl language.
Today the site of her apparition, Tepeyac Hill in the suburbs of Mexico City, is home to the Basilica de Guadalupe, one of the most visited places of worship in the world. Today is a national holiday in Mexico and millions gather at her namesake Basilica to celebrate and bring offerings and thanks for her nurturing guidance.

Often called the mother of Mexico, the Virgin is considered a vital force in creating the country we know today with it’s wonderful blend of Spanish and native customs, characteristics and traditions. Appearing to an indigineous man with dark skin and her use of their native tongue is thought to have inspired the native Mexican people’s conversion to Christianity.
{A painting inspired by the Virgin Guadalupe, by Yolanda Lopez}
Guadalupe is not only the religious icon of Mexico, she is also a symbol of patriotism. Her image was used by Hidalgo on rebel banners when he launched the revolution in 1810 and by Zapata in 1914. Her likeness, with the rays of sunshine encircling her and the crescent moon and angel at her feet, is universally associated with Mexico and it’s individuality, resourcefulness and strength.
Long Live our Lady of Guadalupe!
And speaking of individuality, resourcefulness and strength...today also is the saint day of our brilliant and beautiful friend, Guadalupe Alvarez Brunel. So wish her a happy day, too! (and any one else you might know named Guadalupe.)