Stray Dog Gives Back: Casita Linda

Stray Dog Gives Back: Casita Linda

Posted by Della Wheeler on

Every year, we choose a cause that makes our tails wag. Then we donate a percentage of our revenue to that cause. 

Usually, we pick an organization in San Miguel de Allende, Stray Dog's sister city and the location of our warehouse. 

Last year, we made a monthly donation to the San Miguel S.P.A. This organization is the only no-kill shelter for cats and dogs in SMA. With over 40 years of operation, they provide food, care, and shelter for about 100 cats and dogs each month. 

It's obvious why we love and support the S.P.A...

San Miguel + Dogs = The Heart and Soul of Stray Dog. 

This year, we are proud to support Casita Linda (Pretty Little Home in English), an organization that helps families in the SMA area (that have an income of less than $300 USD a month) to build their own homes. 

Casita Linda says, "By providing a dignified and safe environment, we empower families and change lives." 

If you want to learn more about CL, watch this video and you'll see why we love this organization too...

San Miguel + Home = Our Hearts

What we really want you to know is that every purchase you make with Stray Dog gives back to the community that makes our designs possible.

We lend a helping paw to organizations like these because we believe every person (and dog) deserves a safe and cozy place to call home. 

To learn more about Casita Linda and the amazing work they are doing, visit their website here. We are planning on helping them build a house from the ground up in 2022 so stay tuned for more updates there. 

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